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NSE Gender Agenda

The NSE places special focus on enhancing Gender Equality among listed companies as well as advance the Agenda across other private sector players.

In line with this, the NSE undertakes key initiatives to spearhead Gender Equality in the country.

Ring the Bell for Gender Equality

Every year, the NSE joins over 75 stock Exchanges globally to Ring the Bell for Gender Equality. The annual event held in partnership with the International Finance Corporation, UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative, UN Global Compact and the UN Women is aimed at raising awareness of the pivotal role the private sector can play in advancing gender equality to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 5.

United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges

As a member of the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) the NSE is championing Gender Equality, together with other Exchanges, investors, regulators and the private sector to realize UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 which seeks to Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Annually, we join other global Exchanges to Ring the Bell for Gender Equality in commemoration of International Women’s Day.

NSE Leadership and Diversity Dialogue Series

The NSE runs a signature initiative dubbed Leadership and Diversity Dialogue series that seeks to sensitize listed companies on various aspects of leadership and diversity in relation to firm performance.

Through the initiative, the NSE undertakes forums and surveys to enlighten business leaders on the importance of enhancing various aspects of leadership and diversity (Age, Gender, and Education) in Boards and Senior Management.

  • Conducted a diversity Forum with Chairpersons of listed companies
  • 2017- Undertook a survey on Board Diversity and Inclusion with the Kenya Institute of Management
  • 2017- Conducted an engagement forum with Company Secretaries of listed companies
  • 2019/2020 – Undertook a survey on gender equality among listed companies

The NSE places special focus on enhancing Gender Equality among listed companies as well as advance the Agenda across other private sector players.

In line with this, the NSE undertakes key initiatives to spearhead Gender Equality in the country.

United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges

As a member of the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) the NSE is championing Gender Equality, together with other Exchanges, investors, regulators and the private sector to realize UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Five which seeks to Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

Annually, we join other global Exchanges to Ring the Bell for Gender Equality in commemoration of International Women’s Day.

NSE Leadership and Diversity Dialogue Series

The NSE runs a signature initiative dubbed Leadership and Diversity Dialogue series that seeks to sensitize listed companies on various aspects of leadership and diversity in relation to firm performance.

Through the initiative, the NSE undertakes forums and surveys to enlighten business leaders on the importance of enhancing various aspects of leadership and diversity (Age, Gender, and Education) in Boards and Senior Management.

  • 2016- Conducted a diversity Forum with Chairpersons of listed companies
  • 2017- Undertook a survey on Board Diversity and Inclusion with the Kenya Institute of Management
  • 2017- Conducted an engagement forum with Company Secretaries of listed companies
  • 2019- Undertook a survey on gender performance among listed performance

Gender Equality in Kenya: Assessing 60 leading companies on workplace equality

  • In 2019, The Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) partnered with Equileap, a leading organization providing data and insights on gender equality in the corporate sector, and New Faces New Voices to undertake a survey to evaluate Kenyan listed companies on their performance on gender equality in the workplace.
  • The survey placed special focus on listed company’s performance on gender equality using metrics such as;
    • Gender balance in the workforce, Senior Management and Boards
    • Publication of gender pay gap
    • Provision of parental leave by the company
    • Anti-sexual harassment policy and supplier diversity policy
  • The survey made Kenyan listed companies the first in Africa to be featured in Equileap’s publications.
  • The report is playing a fundamental role in informing regional and global markets of the advances made so far on gender equality in the workplace and develop a benchmark to measure other African listed companies.

United Nations – Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPS)

The NSE is a signatory to the WEPS where we have adopted 7 principles into our business strategy and practice.

We have committed to take action on Principle 1: Establish high-level corporate leadership for gender equality; where we engage with listed companies to ensure gender equality within their boards and senior management.

Compliance with Listing Obligations of having women in Boards

The NSE ensures compliance with a listing obligation that requires that Boards of listed companies exercise a certain degree of gender inclusivity in the Board memberships. The NSE SRO team monitors and ensure compliance with the Code of Corporate Governance.

30% Club

The NSE joined the 30% club, a global campaign, to take action to increase gender diversity in boards and senior management within the workplace, cementing its commitment to enhance gender equality in corporate leadership in Kenya.

MOU with KAM

NSE signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kenya Association of Manufacturers on February 16, 2021 to enhance the visibility of manufacturing companies in Kenya. The collaboration will enable the NSE engage and highlight available opportunities to accelerate the growth of manufacturing enterprises through listing or accessing other capital raising options provided by the market.

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